Garin Booth

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Arts and Entertainment Articles

The Dream Vacation Tour for Beatlemaniacs
Dream VacationIf you were one of the 73 million Americans who tuned in to “The Ed Sullivan Show” in 1964 as the Beatles irrevocably changed rock ’n’ roll, prepare yourself for perhaps the perfect vacation idea.

Did you embrace Beatlemania and never look back? If the answer is an enthusiastic “Yes,” the CIE Tours’ “Icons of Britain” may knock your Paul-loving socks off. While it’s not quite All Beatles, All The Time, the tour has several other must-sees in London, Scotland and Wales. One big draw is seeing where the Fab Four got their start and recapturing what’s described as “the fevered feel of the early ’60s in Liverpool.” ...continue reading

Explore Personal Style With Home Decorating Tips From an Artist
Home DecoratingDecorating can be one of the most exciting times during your experience as a homeowner. Not only are you creating the essence of your home, you are also adding your very own personal touch and style.

One of the easiest ways to add unique spice to an ordinarily drab room—incorporate exceptional artwork.

“Many of my clients are simply amazed at how effective a colorful painting can be at bringing new life to a room that has become tired,” says Matthew Johnston, an artist known for his vibrant Tall Tulips paintings ...continue reading

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Garin Booth - Portland, Oregon

Just me, myself and I, exploring the universe of uniqueness. I have a good heart and an interest in learning new things. I want to explore the world with you. Enjoy the many random things I post.

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